In a shape resembling a lump of coal Furball is created entirely from discarded black electrical cables. Many of which were thrown out without ever have being used.
Positioned on The groyn at Cottesloe amongst the large granite boulders it appears as though spat out by the sea.
It's dark and complex aesthetic implies something sinister and impossible to untangle or decode.
It took me many weeks of hand breaking work to mindfully retangle the wires with the required density. At many stages it felt like a 3D drawing not dissimilar to the process drawings of Sol Lewitt; a simple and repetitive action (based on a few simple rules) is performed so many times that the result is an unknown and visually complex outcome.
Furball work is a comment on the trappings of today and poses the question that “there must be another way?”
Furball now sits on Granite Island in South Australia as part of the Sculpture Encounters sculpture walk.
Materials Discarded electrical cables (outer) dicarded plastic pallets (inner).
Dimensions 90cm h x 75cm w x 80cm w
Suppported by The Australia Council for the Arts for the production of new and innovative work (Thank you! :)
Furball was created for Sculpture By The Sea, Cottesloe, 2018.