Sea Through
Sea Through is a site specific soft sculpture created for Sculpture By The Sea, Bondi, 2017. It speaks of the sadness that comes from the destruction of our oceans
At this site (near the Icebergs/Bondi end of the coastal walk) there are 2 naturally formed, matching holes in the rock face. Due to their size, shape and position, these 2 holes created by erosion look incredibly like eyes. (It has been used once before by an artist in the show, i think 2009, as eyes)
I have used data cable to French Knit tears that flow from each of the 2 holes. The cable used is partly salvaged from people’s waste and partly new. I plan to use the new cable in future works.
The hollow, blue knitted form is self supporting. It speaks of nets and traps and our increasingly digital and energy indulgent lives