
It's back on, Sculpture By The Sea, Bondi, 2014, and with Uni over for the next couple of months I need to get super organised with my work #selfiesculpture.The details of which are top secret of course ;)  Having only ever taken one "selfie" before I decide tonight would be a good time to start practising.  Check out the classic photo bomb by Lola.  Made the photo worthy of sharing I thought. When thinking about my work to be "#selfiesculpture" I realised quietly to myself that it will be the ultimate in photography and sculpture feeding into, and supporting the ideas of the other.I wrote about this interest of mine in a previous post a few months back.You might be able to tell from instagram feed on the home page that I am not a 'selfie' taker myself.  I think I have taken the grand total of 1.  I stopped there when I realised that even when I had complete control of the image I was still unphotogenic.So anyway, I am in the R&D stages of this project, and loving it.  Stay tuned.


Blue Holes


Sustainability Project - reflection on the process and outcomes